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This class will explore the Third Reich and the men primarily responsible for making it happen. Why did Germany, long one of the most ostensibly civilized highly educated societies, transform itself into an instrument that turned a continent into a charnel house? Why had Germany delivered itself over to the raving extremist dictates of one man? And what of the men who followed him blindly, willingly down the path of evil. His henchmen included men who were well educated and had previously served Germany with honor – a WWI hero, a respected diplomat, as well as less illustrious individuals. We will delve into the background and the eventual fate of such men as Heinrich Himmler, Hermann Goering, Alfred Speer, and others. (Did you know one of them became a millionaire after the war!?) One may see frightening similarities between the rise of the Third Reich and the political situation in America today. Will America heed the warning in time? Whatever your opinion, this should make for interesting discourse.

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