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Cultural art is a unique form of art or craft which is often related to a geographical area, a religion or a cultural heritage. It can appear in pictures, sculptures, unique architecture, fabric, embroidery, rugs, ceramic painting, face and body painting or a mixture of the above. You can choose a country, a religion, or a form of art as your topic. Imagine the amazing palaces and mosques of the Muslim world, great cathedrals of the Christian world, Chinese influence on Italian ceramic painting, Moorish tiles and their influence on Portuguese and Spanish folk art, Japanese painting and its impact on European art, the influence of the Silk Road on art, Russian icons, African art forms and their impact on modern art, Roman mosaics, Mayan Aztec art and its impact on great muralists like Diego Rivera and others, Indonesian batik, Jewish silversmiths and Sabbath/holiday arts and craft, Greek sculptures used for graves (very emotional), and so much more. It will be a fascinating and worthwhile adventure to explore together.

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